the sale!
Over the course of the weekend we worked on loose-leash heeling, greeting strangers and in general staying as calm as a puppy can be. He is improving, but slowly. The biggest problem I am finding with him is with greeting people. Every time someone goes to walk up to him, he jumps up and tries to get all over them, lick their hands (he used to bite D:) and in general get their attention. I've tried telling him to leave-it, make the person approaching him walk away (taking the 'treat' away) and completely removing him altogether, but it isn't seeming to work.
And it's not just when he's sitting down, either. We can just be walking along and someone will be walking as well and, like a magnet, he'll veer off towards them. He's gotten better, to the point where he can recover quickly, but nonetheless this is one of his new biggest behavioral issues (besides chewing inappropriately.) This is another one of those things I never would have thought of before going to raise a leader puppy.
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