I guess I'd like to reflect on my year. We've had alot of struggles, but, conversely, many successes. Both of us have grown tremendously. I have grown up alot and learned responsibility to a much higher degree than most kids my age. There were many times that I wanted to go and hang out with friends or to spend the night at an aunt's house, or something even as simple as wanting to take a quick nap because I was bored; but because of my little Mango, I had more than myself I had to think about. I had to consider his needs. I couldn't stay after school, I had to go home and take out Mango and feed him. When in the store, I learned how to talk and interact with strangers. Not only did I have to worry about homework and my job but I had to make sure he was entertained and well behaved, on top of his daily training. All in all, it was truly like raising a baby.
He has also become a much different dog than when I first picked him up almost a year ago. He has learned many commands, how to behave, how to act around people. But, perhaps most importantly, he has learned how to not only receive, but to give love to all around him. Anyone that has met Mango has been loved by him unconditionally from the moment they met. He's not the most perfect dog in the world (he still gets excited easily and likes to jump on people) but he has a heart of gold. I'm going to miss his love.
When my grandfather died a month ago, Mango was there for me the entire time. He understood that there was something hurting me, and he was there. From the little things like being careful and much more well-behaved (not to mention being quiet, a rare thing for him) to just sitting with me and kissing me on the arm. I will never forget him for that.
All night, my family and I have been hanging on him; petting him, rolling on the floor with him, scratching his favorite spot. We've taken many pictures, given him lots of love. I've even taken some video of him playing with his favorite toy -- a metal bowl, funnily enough -- but he can tell something is wrong, so he's not paying much attention to it. Here's a small sample of what we've got; I'll upload the rest at a later date. I need to spend time with Mango<3
Now it's time for him to go and make someone's life wonderful.
for any questions about what happens to returning leader dogs and the process in general, see [link]
I love you, Mango.