July 22, 2010

fun in the backyard

Now that Mango is getting older, we often have him and our dog, Lance, play outside together. Because he's a young, energetic puppy and the July heat is relentless, we have a kiddie pool out back (we got the idea from the puppy event we went to!) And, needless to say, he loves it. Whenever we get outside, the first thing he does and goes to get his favorite toy, a big orange bucket, and proceeds to lay down in the pool, dirtying it up with his muddy puppy feet.

The other day, my Mom was out back watering the yard and discovered Mango's new favorite toy; the hose!

Now we can't even hope of using the hose while he's outside. Wherever you point the hose at, he immediately runs after it. He's definitely a water dog!

One point to mention on this issue as a warning; he did find that if he chews the hose and gets a hole in it, water comes out of two spots, making it twice as fun! Now I have to replace my mom's 25$ hose because he wanted to have a good time. Perhaps too much fun wasn't necessarily a good thing.

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