March 20, 2010

first post

I've had my puppy, Mango, for roughly three months to date. My time with him has been rewarding, but challenging to say the least. Raising a Leader Dog puppy has definitely been a very different experience than I had initially expected, however this is not to say that it has been something I have regretted doing. This program is so wonderful for those who need dogs like these, and I am so very happy I can help.

I realized somewhere along the line that I should share these experiences. As I said before, raising Mango has been a trip; I've hit obstacles while raising him that I would have never expected. Things such as simply the way that he's supposed to be trained, like the behaviors that are and are not acceptable, are completely different than I had imagined. His behavior at different points in his life has changed so much; right now he's a "teenager", and it's impossible to get him to do anything I want unless it involves food, in comparison to when he was just two months old when he would do anything without a problem.

Nevertheless, he's an amazing dog and an unforgettable friend. I hope that sharing this information will benefit someone somewhere, whether you're simply interested in the program, looking for a puppy yourself or looking into being a foster home for a Leader puppy.

Because this is my first post, I have some catching up to do. I'm going to alternate between the present and the past, documenting and reflecting on the developmental stages he and I have gone through together.

I love this dog so much.

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